Thursday, June 18, 2009

Bad News on the Travel Front

Just as we were getting ready to book our hotels for Thailand and Cambodia and really delve into the planning, I got another paycut at work. While our budget worked fine with a 10% paycut, a 20% paycut and only working 4 days a week is pushing it and we might need to cut back on travel savings and skip the big trip this year.

Problem is almost any other trip would be more expensive since we don't have to pay for the flights to get there.

And I might die if I have to go a year without an international trip. I'm half joking but after going on 4 trips in the last 9 months I'm kind of addicted.

In the last 24 hours I've been trying to think of ways to save money on our trip. Skipping Cambodia and going to Chiang Mai instead would save us some money since flights to Siem Reap where Angkor Wat is located are so expensive. Angkor Wat looks amazing though.

Hotels can't be cut back on much since almost half the trip is booked using hotel points. We have food and incidentals budgeted at $75/day. We can probably cut back on that a bit but food is one of those tough areas where you don't know how much you'll spend.

The last thing is activities. Activities are always our highest spending category on almost every trip and this one is no different. I'd really hate to go to Thailand and not be able to go to Thai cooking classes or not go sea canoeing or snorkeling in Phuket. Unfortunately, doing cool things costs money.

Leave me a comment and let me know if you have any magical money saving ideas for our trip!

1 comment:

Liz said...

You know I am going to encourage you to go :) We are only young and have these types of opportunities for so long... my husband and I just moved into a house and priorities have changed since we were in our condo. I am so glad we traveled as much as we did before!! :)