Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Travel and the Environment

I've always felt a bit guilty that I was killing the earth with all my travel. I learned something at a lunchtime presentation at work today that makes me feel much better though.

Adrian Smith + Gordon Gill is designing the Masdar Headquarters in Abu Dhabi. The firm is located in Chicago. Apparently the company calculated that by removing 2 of the footings out of probably hundreds from this project, they would be able to offset the carbon from all their flying from Chicago to Abu Dhabi over the course of the entire project. Concrete is just that bad for the environment.

Here's the website for the project:

The project is a zero energy project which is pretty fascinating.

My solution: when designing my buildings, I'll use a couple less columns and foundations and then I can feel less guilty about all my long-distance flights. Don't worry, my buildings will still be safe.

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